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We Stand with Israel

To our Temple Judea Congregational and School Families: 
As you are aware, Israel, our homeland, is facing an unprecedented time of conflict. Our hearts break for Israel and its people, as she faces unspeakable violence. We continuously pray for all those affected by the savagery and unprovoked crimes against humanity.   
The news from loved ones and the media leaves us feeling helpless, deeply distressed, and extremely anxious. Our community stands in solidarity with Israel and its people. The global Jewish community is strong and resilient, and in times of need we rise to the calling and band together. It is during the most challenging circumstances that our Jewish values of unity and tikkun olam always shine the brightest.  
With that said, your Temple Judea community remains here for you. We are dedicated to thoughtfully leading with compassion and meaningful action.   
We have compiled the following to help all members and families better process the events in Israel. Our hope is to share resources and valuable information so we can try to see our way through this as a community and while making a positive difference both globally and locally.   
Campus Security
We remain vigilant and dedicated to the safety of all children, teens, and adults traversing our campus. Security is always our utmost priority. In working with the Coral Gables Police Department, they have increased their visual and covert presence and since Saturday have had our campus under a watch order. Below is their formal community statement:   

Due to the recent incidents in Israel and the Gaza Strip, the Coral Gables Police Department is taking additional measures to ensure everyone’s safety in our jurisdiction. We are in a heightened state of security and have been in communication with our places of worship. In an abundance of caution, we have increased our existing patrols in the areas. Coral Gables Police wants to remind everyone if you “See Something, Say Something” by calling our non-emergency number (305) 442-1600 or dial 911 for emergencies.  

Stay Informed
Try to stay informed by seeking information from reputable news sources. One such resource many have asked us to reshare is a recent OP ED published in the Miami Herald by Brian Siegal, Regional Director of AJC for Miami and Broward: 
Israel is under siege. For American Jews, this is not some distant issue. It’s personal.
How to Give
The following are suggested organizations working to provide humanitarian aid, medical assistance, and direct support to those most affected by the conflict. 

There are no words to describe how we are feeling in this extraordinary moment of unprecedented violent attacks against our people and our homeland. Some of our congregants have family and close friends who have already been killed or fear for loved ones. We have members who have family serving in the IDF and the connections go on and on. Even those who do not have direct family or friends feel deep pain from this horrific tragedy.   

Your clergy (and all our Klei Kodesh/Staff and Administrators) are here for you. If you want to come talk to us, please do. If you want to come sit in the sanctuary and pray, you are welcome. Please know that as we go forward together as one Jewish community around the world, we will stand with Israel and we will be here for each other. We are one people. Am Yisrael Chai! 

 A Prayer for the State of Israel 
O Heavenly One, Protector and Redeemer of Israel, 
bless the State of Israel which marks the dawning of hope for all who seek peace. 
Shield it beneath the wings of Your love; spread over it the canopy of Your Peace; send Your light and truth to all who lead and advise, guiding them with Your good counsel. Establish peace in the land and fullness of joy for all who dwell there.  Amen.  - Mishkan T’Filah (p. 377) 

Wishing you and your family peace, health, and strength. 
Rabbi Judith L. Siegal 
Rabbi Jonanthan R. Fisch 
Cantor Lisa V. Segal 
President Jan Yelen Sasso
Executive Director Sharon Israel Moskovitz 

Mon, February 17 2025 19 Sh'vat 5785