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While you might think the High Holy Days are "late" this year, they are always right on time!  We have so much at Temple Judea to welcome you back, if you have been away, and to help us all prepare for the Chagim ahead.  From music to text learning, and from social gatherings and meals to opportunities to reach out with mitzvot and tzedakah, please join us in any way you like as we prepare as a community for the Days of Awe ahead.  We look forward to welcoming the New Year and to welcome each one of you with open arms into Temple Judea, once again!  - Rabbi Judith Siegal

Temple Judea's First Annual Erev Rosh Hashanah Dinner
Wednesday, October 2 at 5:30pm

We invite you to join us for the FIRST ANNUAL Temple Judea Erev Rosh Hashanah Dinner. This memorable evening will be catered by the renowned Michael Meltzer, ensuring a meal that is as delicious as it is festive.

This special community dinner will take place before our Erev Rosh Hashanah service. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community, share our family’s holiday rituals, and engage in meaningful conversations with loved ones, friends, and of course our clergy!
Click here for more information.

The Season of Return:  Our Music and Melodies with Cantor Lisa Segal
Saturday, September 14 at 10am in the Silverman Room

Explore the majesty and grandeur of the musical settings of the Days of Awe.  Learn about the psalms of Elul, Jewish musical modes, musical text painting, and why our melodies for this season are set apart from the rest of our Jewish calendar.  *This is in place of our normal Torah study those weeks.

Prepare Yourself for the High Holy Days!  
Click here
 to listen to Cantor Segal’s High Holy Day Musical Selections.

Yom Kippur Yizkor Memorial Service Book - Please submit by Friday, September 13
In keeping with our Yom Kippur tradition, we are compiling and sharing our Yom Kippur Yizkor Memorial Service Book, a sacred book filled with the names of those so very dear to us in life, and who, with the precious gift of memory, will remain with us forever. Click here for more information.

Selichot Study & Dessert Session | Saturday, September 28 at 7:30pm
Rabbis Siegal and Fisch will teach texts about hope. During this difficult time in the world and for all of the people of Israel, we need hope more than ever.  We will look at texts from our tradition that take us from mourning to hope, as we prepare our souls for the holy days ahead.  No prior knowledge is needed.  Please join us for a wonderful evening of study, worship and music, which will uplift us in these dark days.

Cemetery Visits
There is an ancient custom to visit the gravesides of our loved ones during the holiest days of the year, the ten Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Your clergy will be leading services on Sunday, October 6 at the following times and locations, and we hope you will join us:
Mt. Nebo Kendall 10:00am
Mt. Nebo Miami 11:00am
Lakeside Memorial Park 11:30am

You must renew your membership in order to be able to attend the services. No matter what your situation is, we will work with you to make membership a reality. Please click here to join or renew.

Women of Temple Judea
Honey from the Heart 
 Send honey to your loved ones this Rosh Hashanah and let them know they are close to your heart. Support WTJ and send sweet New Year's wishes to anyone throughout the U.S. Order now for free shipping.

Registration is now open for JCS Milk & Honey 2024!
Sunday, September 22 at 9am at Temple Beth Am

Join us as we package and deliver Rosh Hashanah food and personal hygiene baskets to over 400 homebound seniors and Holocaust survivors, bringing joy as sweet as milk and honey to all involved. Click here to register. 


Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784